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Have your suppliers got the right planning, merchandising ... skills?


Performance - Assessment

Are your suppliers delaying your shipments?

What can you do to improve supplier's skills?


Our analysts will assess your supplier's managerial processes in PPC, Store, Procurement and time management etc. against our own standards and will identify the actual variance in performance

we can also provide recommendation on how to improve the performance of such suppliers

Performance - Assessor

Why involve us in your supplier's assessment?


  • We have a strong manufacturing background

  • We have developed standards against which we can compare the processes of your supplier

  • We can highlight specific processes which can improve performance of your supplier

  • We focus on processes as PPC, Store etc.


Terms & Conditions applied


Why should you carefully assess your supplier's performance?


  • Your timely shipments are based on your supplier's ability to ship on time, find the right manufacturer

  • If your supplier cannot procure the right material on time it will result in poor quality or late shipments making your customers  unhappy

  • So select the right supplier for the satisfaction of your customers


Terms & Conditions applied


Increased potential to reduce shipment delays

Identify and improve low performing departments

Improve internal coordination

Improve time, cost and quality management

Improve supply chain reliability

How we will work

Analyse - we will discuss, observe and review processes of your supplier 

Compare - against our standards

Assess - We will identify how capable your supplier is

See example below:

In the above graph, you can see the variation in the performance of different departments knitting, dyeing etc, The ABC company will have to reduce these departmental variations to improve performance. We can also suggest areas/actions and strategies to improve. 


Terms & conditions applied. Company ABC is for illustration purpose only

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