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Manufacturer Performance Improvement


Enterprise Performance Enhancer(EPE)

What is “Enterprise performance Enhancer”?


Enterprise Performance Enhancer (EPE) is an assessment and analysis tool,  which  will analyse how your Production planning, merchandising and Store etc. are performing. Once our analyst have assessed the low performance areas, we will advise strategies and action level plans.

Why “Enterprise Performance Enhancer”?


Due to the ever increasing pressures on production for reducing lead time, improving quality and reduce cost, it has become very important for manufacturers to keep on looking for ways to improve. On the other hand high cost of airing the goods and managing quality rejections also adds to the pressure.


This advance analytical tool will first analyse and asses the weak areas numerically and then will develop a calculated and detailed action level strategy to improve performance.


Increased potential to reduce shipment delays

Identify and improve low performing departments

Improve internal coordination

Improve time, cost and quality management

Improve supply chain reliability

How we will work

We will do in-depth review of your department’s processes and operations. We will provide you the numerically estimated performance variation in delivery time, quality and material management, see the graph below:

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